Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Fear of Dissolving Past

Here I am, sitting in front of my laptop, on a queen size fluffy bed of Marriott Suites...alone...thoughtful and fearful..thoughtful because this is the last day of the wonderful 6 weeks I spent in US on my first trip here...fearful because I think I am already losing a grip on the wonderful memories of past 6 weeks!!

The result??

My first blog :)
A feeble attempt to make sure that after many years I would read this (and many more blogs yet to come) ...and shake my old baldy head and smile...

Clinging to the past is not whats recommended but that I believe, is only for the unpleasant memories which you want to shift+delete...When you find the pleasant memories that you want to cherish forever are slipping off, it makes you feel empty from inside...You wont feel connected to the interesting things that has happened to you and you feel positivity, energy and enthusiasm draining away...your self confidence gets will always be thinking 'how come everybody got some good old experiences to share but not me!! Has anything at all ever happened to my life worth talking about??!! Did I not live my life to the fullest!!'

I really feel the same a lot of times specially when it comes to my memories of school and college fun days or the feel-good family events...Such good many wonderful experiences!! Enjoyed much more than I should have (considering my career was at stake ;) ) But ask me for a funny event or an interesting experience to share and you will clearly see an embarrassed face...

I am sure many would identify with these feelings...which I cannot explain in any number of words...In fact more the words I use, the more incomprehensible it becomes...I have never been a great expresser of thoughts anyways...But then, I have never been 'great' in anything ;)

So anyways, now that I am making my hands dirty with this first blog, I would try to ensure that in future whenever I have a 'dear diary moment', it will get blogged...for myself and whoever else is interested in my life...

Of course, not all my blogs will be memoirs...some will also be peeks into my thoughts...just like this one...maybe even more boring ;) but at least I would feel much better knowing that my thoughts are safely preserved...after all along with the memories, these inner beliefs and feelings are what define and shape a man, and one can almost always find his questions answered in them...

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